A.5 Debugging

Console-Outputs are most helpful for hunting bugs. But these go by so fast on the screen, don't they? Hint: SHIFT-PAGE-UP scrolls back, SHIFT-PAGE-DOWN scroll forwards.

If the error message ``try-to-free-pages'' occurs during router use there is not enough RAM left for the programs. Try the following options to recover:

proc-files can help debugging, for example executing

                cat /proc/interrupts

shows the interrupts used by the drivers - not those used by the hardware!

More interesting files under /proc are devices, dma, ioports, kmsg, meminfo, modules, uptime, version and pci (if the router has a PCI-Bus).

Often a connection problem with ipppd is caused by failing authentification. The variables



in config/base.txt and


in config/isdn.txt can help here.

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