
4.1 Tools In The Package 'Base'

The following OPTs are contained in the BASE package:

 Name Description  
 OPT_SYSLOGD Tool for logging system messages  
 OPT_KLOGD Tool for logging kernel messages  
 OPT_LOGIP Tool for logging WAN IP addresses  
 OPT_Y2K Date correction utility for systems that are not Y2K-safe  
 OPT_PNP Installation of ISAPnP tools  

4.1.1 OPT_SYSLOGD - Logging system messages

Many programs use the Syslog interface to log messages. If you want to see these messages on your fli4l console you have to start the syslogd daemon.

Setting OPT_SYSLOGD to `yes' enables debugging messages, `no' disables them.


Default Setting: OPT_SYSLOGD='no'


SYSLOGD_RECEIVER controls whether fli4l can receive Syslog messages from other hosts in the network.


SYSLOGD_DEST_x describes where the system messages being received by syslogd should be displayed. Normally, this is fli4l's console, hence:

        SYSLOGD_DEST_1='*.* /dev/console'

If you want to log the messages into a file, you can e.g. use:

        SYSLOGD_DEST_1='*.* /var/log/messages'

If you have a so-called ``log host'' in your network you can redirect the Syslog messages to that host if you supply its IP address.


        SYSLOGD_DEST_1='*.* @'

The ``@'' sign has to be prepended to the IP address.

If you want the Syslog messages to be delivered to multiple destinations it is necessary to increase the variable SYSLOGD_DEST_N (number of destinations used) accordingly and to fill the variables SYSLOG_DEST_1, SYSLOG_DEST_2 etc. with appropriate content.

The syntax `*.*' directs syslogd to log all messages. However, you are also able to constrain the messages to be logged for certain destinations by the use of so-called ``priorities''. In this case you need to replace the asterisk (*) after the dot (.) by one of the following keywords:

The items in the list are descending sorted according to severity. The keywords ``error'', ``warn'', and ``panic'' are deprecated--you should not use them anymore.

You can replace the asterisk (*) in front of the dot by a so-called ``facility''. However, a detailed explanation is outside this scope. You can find an overview over the available facilities at the man page of syslog.conf:

In most cases an asterisk is completely sufficient. Example:

          SYSLOGD_DEST_1='*.warning @'
Windows hosts can serve as log hosts as well as Unix/Linux hosts. You can find links to adequate software at Using a log host is strongly recommended if you want a detailed logging protocol. The protocol is also useful for debugging purposes. The Windows client imonc also ``understands'' the Syslog protocol and is able to display the messages in a window.

Unfortunately, messages generated during the boot process cannot be directed to syslogd. However, you can configure fli4l to use a serial port as a terminal. You can find more information on this topic in the section Console settings.


You can use SYSLOGD_ROTATE in order to control whether Syslog message files are rotated once a day, thereby archiving the messages of the last x days.


The optional variable SYSLOGD_ROTATE_DIR lets you specify the directory where the archived Syslog files should be stored. Leave it empty to use the default directory /var/log.


The optional variable SYSLOGD_ROTATE_MAX lets you specify the number of archived/rotated Syslog files.


With the optional variable SYSLOGD_ROTATE_AT_SHUTDOWN you can disable the rotate of syslog files at shutdown. Please only do this, if your syslogfiles are written directly to a destination on a permanent disk.

4.1.2 OPT_KLOGD - Logging kernel messages

Many errors, e.g. a dial-in that failed, are written directly to the console by the Linux kernel. If you set OPT_KLOGD='yes', these messages are redirected to the Syslog daemon which can log them to a file or send them to a log host (see above). This keeps your fli4l console (almost) clear.

Recommendation: If you use OPT_SYSLOGD='yes' you should also set OPT_KLOGD to `yes'.

Default setting: OPT_KLOGD='no'

4.1.3 OPT_LOGIP - Logging WAN IP addresses

LOGIP logs your WAN IP address to a log file. You activate this logging by setting OPT_LOGIP to `yes'.

Default setting: OPT_LOGIP='no'

 - Configure directory of log file

The variable LOGIP_LOGDIR contains the directory where the log file should be created or 'auto' for autodetect.

Default setting: LOGIP_LOGDIR='auto'

4.1.4 OPT_Y2K - Date correction for systems that are not Y2K-safe

fli4l routers are often assembled from old hardware parts. Older mainboards may have a BIOS that is not Y2K-safe. This can lead to the situation that setting the system date to the 27th May 2000 causes the BIOS date to become the 27th May 2094 after a reboot. By the way, Linux will then show the 27th May 1994 as system date.

Normally the system date reflected by fli4l is not important and should not matter at all. If you use the LCR (Least Cost Routing) functionality of your fli4l router this may very well play a role.

The reason: The 27th May 1994 was a Friday, the 27th May 2000 in contrast was a Saturday. And for the weekend there are lower-priced rates or providers, respectively ...

A first solution to that problem is as follows: The BIOS date is changed from the 27th May 2000 to the 28th May 1994 which was a Saturday, too. However, the problem is not solved completely yet: Not only does fli4l use the day of week and the current time for least-cost routing but it also respects bank holidays.

 - add N days to the system date

Because the BIOS date differs from the actual one by exactly 2191 days, the setting


causes the fli4l router to add 2191 days to the BIOS date before using it as the Linux system date The BIOS date is left untouched because otherwise the year would be wrong (2094 or 1994, resp.) again after the next boot.

There is an additional alternative:

Using a time server, fli4l is able to fetch the current date and time from the Internet. The package CHRONY is designed for this purpose. Both settings can be combined. This is useful as it allows to correct the date via Y2K_DAYS before setting the exact time using the information from the time server.

If you do not have any problems with Y2K, set OPT_Y2K='no' and forget it ...

4.1.5 OPT_PNP - Installation of ISAPnP tools

Some ISAPnP adapters have to be configured by the ``isapnp'' tool. This especially affects ISDN adapters with a ISDN_TYPE of 7, 12, 19, 24, 27, 28, 30, and 106 - but only if the adapter is really an ISAPnP adapter.

For proper configuration you have to create the file ``etc/isapnp.conf''.

Brief instructions to create this file follow:

Continue on your PC (Unix/Linux/Windows):

The automatically generated file contains Unix line endings (LF without CR). Thus, if you use Notepad under Windows, all content is shown in a single line. In contrast, the DOS editor ``edit'' is able to cope with the Unix line endings. When saved, however, they are changed to DOS line endings (CR+LF).


After that you can also use Notepad to edit the file.

Under Windows you may also use the Wordpad editor.

The CRs generated by the ``edit'' tool are filtered when fli4l boots and thus do not disturb.

Please try first to get along without using OPT_PNP. If the adapter is not recognized you may follow the procedure described above.

If you update to a more recent fli4l version, you may reuse the previously created isapnp.conf.

Default setting: OPT_PNP='no'

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