
5.2 Creating the fli4l Archives/Boot media under Windows

Utilize the tool `AutoIt3' ( This enables a `graphical' edition, as well as dialogues which allow to change the variables described in the following sections.


The Build program automatically recognizes the different boot types.

The `mkfli4l.bat' can be invoked directly from Windows Explorer, if you need no optional parameters.

The actions of the Build program are controlled by different mechanisms:

The variable BOOT_TYPE decides which action the Build program executes:

The description of the variables in the configuration file <config>/mkfli4l.txt can be found in Chapter Control file mkfli4l.txt.

5.2.1 Command line options

The last control mechanism is appending of option parameters to the call of the Build program on the command line. The control options correspond to those in the control file mkfli4l.txt. Option parameters override the values from the control file. Out of convenience, the names of the option parameters differ from the names of the variables from the control file. There is a long and, to some extent, a short form:

Usage: mkfli4l.bat [options] [config-dir]

-c, --clean             cleanup the build-directory
-b, --build <dir>       sets build-directory to <dir> for the fli4l-files
-v, --verbose           verbose - some debug-output
    --filesonly         creates only fli4l-files - does not create a disk
    --no-squeeze        don't compress shell scripts
-h, --help              display this usage

config-dir              sets other config-directory - default is "config"

*** Remote-Update options
--remoteupdate          remote-update via scp, implies "--filesonly"
--remoteuser <name>     user name for remote-update - default is "fli4l"
--remotehost <host>     hostname or IP of remote machine - default
                        is HOSTNAME set in [config-dir]/base.txt
--remotepath <path>     pathname on remote machine - default is "/boot"
--remoteport <portnr>   portnumber of the sshd on remote machine

*** GUI-Options
--nogui                 disable the config-GUI
--lang                  change language

An alternative configuration directory can be passed by appending its name to the end of the command line. The normal configuration directory is called config and can be found under the fli4l root directory. This is where all fli4l packages place their configuration files. If you want to maintain more than one configuration, create another directory, e.g. hd.conf, place a copy of the configuration files there and change it according to the requirements. Here are some examples:

     mkfli4l.bat hd.conf
     mkfli4l.bat -v
     mkfli4l.bat --no-gui config.hd

5.2.2 Configuration dialog - Setting the configuration directory

In the main window the configuration directory setting is indicated and a window can be opened for the selection of the configuration directory.

It should be noted that any change in the 'Config-Dir' causes all options to be set to the values contained in the control file 'mkfli4l.txt' placed in that directory, or to the values given as command-line parameters, respectively.

If mkfli4l.bat does not find a directory fli4l-x.y.z \config or if there is no file in that directory named `base.txt', a window is immediately opened for the selection of the configuration directory. This makes it possible to easily manage several fli4l configuration directories in a simple manner.



5.2.3 Configuration dialog - General Preferences

Figure 5.1: Preferences
Image win_build_build

In this dialogue the settings are specified for the archive/boot-media creation:

Using the button Current settings in mkfli4l.txt buffer the current settings can be stored in mkfli4l.txt.

5.2.4 Configuration dialog - Settings for Remote update

Figure 5.2: Settings for Remote update
Image win_build_remoteupdate

In this dialogue the settings for Remote update are specified:

5.2.5 Configuration dialog - Settings for HD pre-install

Figure 5.3: Settings for HD pre-install
Image win_build_hd_install

In this dialogue the options are set for HD pre-install on an accordingly partitioned and formatted Compact Flash card in a USB reader.

Possible Options:

Regarding the partitioning and formatting of the CF: A Type-A HD installation (see package HD) must be based on a primary, active, and formatted FAT partition on the CF card. If you would like to use a data partition additionally, a Linux partition which is formatted with the ext3 file system, as well as the file hd.cfg are also needed on the FAT Partiton (in this case please make sure to read the documentation of the HD package).

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