
2.2 Configuration

2.2.1 Editing the configuration files

To configurate fli4l, you only have to adapt the files config/*.txt. We recommend to make a copy of the ``config'' directory and perform the adaption within this copy. So you will be able to compare your own configuration with the distributed one later and you are also able to manage multiple configurations. Comparing two configurations is relatively simple by using an adequate tool (i.e. ``diff'' under *nix). Let's assume that your own config files reside in a directory named my_config under the fli4l directory. In this case you could execute:

    ~/src/fli4l> diff -u {config,my_config}/build/full_rc.cfg | grep '^[+-]'
    --- config/build/full_rc.cfg    2014-02-18 15:34:39.085103706 +0100
    +++ my_config/build/full_rc.cfg        2014-02-18 15:34:31.094317441 +0100

You can also see by this example that a simple DSL router can be configured without much effort, even if you feel at first overwhelmed by the sheer amount of possible settings.

2.2.2 Configuration via a special configuration file

Due to the module concept of fli4l, the configuration is distributed across different files. As editing these separate files may become tedious, it is possible to store the configuration into a single file called <config directory>/_fli4l.txt. This file is read in addition to the other configuration files and its contents override any settings found in the other configuration files. Recall the example above: In order to configure a simple DSL router, we could simply write the following lines into this file:


You should avoid to mix both flavours of configuration.

2.2.3 Variables

You will notice that teh lines of some variables are prefixed with a '#'. and thus are commented. If this is the case a reasonable default setting is already in effect. Those defaults are documented for each variable. If you wish to set another value delete the '#' at the beginning of the line and put your value between the apostrophs.

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