
B.7 HWSUPP - Device dependant settings

B.7.1 Available LED devices

Depending on the HWSUPP_TYPE different LED devices are present. For hardware not listed here the PC keyboard LEDs are available using generic-pc.

Additional LED devices can be mounted on eg. WLAN adapters. The valid LED device names can be determined by executing ls /sys/class/leds/, eg. via ssh on the router's console.

B.7.1.1 sim

LED simulation, will log to syslog:

B.7.1.2 generic-pc

PC keyboard LEDs:

B.7.1.3 generic-acpi

PC keyboard LEDs, like generic-pc

B.7.1.4 pcengines-alix

B.7.1.5 pcengines-apu

B.7.1.6 pcengines-wrap

B.7.1.7 soekris-net4801

B.7.1.8 soekris-net5501

B.7.2 Available Button Devices

Depending on the HWSUPP_TYPE different GPIO devices are predefined for buttons.

B.7.2.1 pcengines-alix

B.7.2.2 pcengines-apu

B.7.2.3 pcengines-wrap

B.7.2.4 soekris-net5501

B.7.3 Hardware specific notes

B.7.3.1 pcengines-alix

A faulty driver for the lm90 temperatur sensor causes a loss of temperature monitoring.

As a workaraound the lm90 driver will be unloaded and reloaded again automatically by a cron job. This requires the package easycron to be loaded (OPT_EASYCRON='yes').

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