

B.12.1 Supported Hardware

This package supports the follwing UMTS-hardware:
For proper operation other packages may be needed.
For USB-Adapters Package USB has to be activated.

Hardware:               tested           additional packages

Novatel Adapters:
Merlin U530             yes              PCMCIA, TOOLS (serial)
Merlin U630             no               PCMCIA, TOOLS (serial)

MC950D                  yes              USB

OPTION Adapters:
3G Datacard             no               PCMCIA, USB
GT 3G Quad              yes              PCMCIA, USB
GT Fusion               no               PCMCIA, USB
GT MAX HSUPA GX0301     yes              PCMCIA, USB
for the four Cardbus-adapters set PCMCIA_PCIC='yenta_socket'

Icon 225 (GIO225)       yes              USB

Huawei Adapter:
E220, E230, E270        yes              USB
E510                    yes              USB
E800                    yes              USB
K3520                   yes              USB

ZTE Adapter:
MF110                   yes              USB
MF190                   yes              USB

B.12.2 Modem Interface Not Activated

For some OPTION UMTS Sticks it may occur that the Modem interface which is needed for pppd is not activated.

Example using GIO225 adapter

check via:
grep "" /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/tty/*/hsotype

Output should look like this:

hsotype:Modem is missing here.

Check the interface configuration via this comman:
chat -e -t 1 '' "AT_OIFC?" OK >/dev/ttyHS0 </dev/ttyHS0

Output should look like this:
_OIFC: 3,1,1,0


If you see this
_OIFC: 2,1,1,0


you can activate the modem interface via the command:
chat -e -t 1 '' "AT_OIFC=3,1,1,0" OK >/dev/ttyHS0 </dev/ttyHS0

After that unplug the adapter and replug it afterwards.
Now check via:
grep "" /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/tty/*/hsotype

for a modem entry.

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