
4.20 TOOLS - Additional Tools For Debugging

Package TOOLS provides some Unix programs mostly used for administration and debugging. Other ones like wget are used i.e. for catching the first (ad-)page of some providers. By setting the value 'yes' the mentioned program is copied to the fli4l router. Default setting is 'no'. The programs are only described in short, how to use them is described in their repective man pages which can be found in your favourite linux distribution or online at:

4.20.1 Networking-Tools

DNS Multitool The command dig allows to execute various DNS queries.

The ftp program can connect fli4l to a FTP server to move files between the two of them.


The setting FTP_PF_ENABLE_ACTIVE='yes' adds a rule to the packet filter that enables initiated active FTP. For FTP_PF_ENABLE_ACTIVE='no' such a rule has to be added to the PF_OUTPUT_%-array manually (if needed), for an example look here.

Passive FTP is always possible, neither this variable nor an explicit packet filter rule is needed then.


The iftop program lists all active network connections and their throughput directly on the fli4l router.

After login to the router iftop is simply started by executing it on the console.

Text based control program for imond

This program is a text based frontend for the router to control imond.

Performance checks for the network

The command iperf can do performance measuring for networks. The program has to be started on the two machines involved. On the iperf server execute

fli4l-server 3.10.18~# iperf -s
Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)

to start. The server will wait for a connection from an iperf client then. Start the client on the second machine with

fli4l-client 3.10.18~# iperf -c
Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 16.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 50311 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec    985 MBytes    826 Mbits/sec

A performance check will start immedeately showing first results. Some options can be added to iperf, for details evaluate the informations on its homepage

Transfer data to TCP based servers

A grep that is able to work directly with network devices.

Network checks

The program NTTCP can check network speed. On one side a server is started and on the other side the client.

Start the server by executing nttcp -i -v. The server will wait for client requests. To test i.e. speed execute nttcp -t <IP Adress of the server> on the client.

This is how a started nttcp server looks like:

fli4l-server 3.10.18~# nttcp -i -v
nttcp-l: nttcp, version 1.47
nttcp-l: running in inetd mode on port 5037 - ignoring options beside -v and -p

This is how a test with a nttcp client looks like:

fli4l-client 3.10.18~# nttcp -t

The nttcp help shows all further parameters:

Usage: nttcp [local options] host [remote options]
       local/remote options are:
        -t      transmit data (default for local side)
        -r      receive data
        -l#     length of bufs written to network (default 4k)
        -m      use IP/multicasting for transmit (enforces -t -u)
        -n#     number of source bufs written to network (default 2048)
        -u      use UDP instead of TCP
        -g#us   gap in micro seconds between UDP packets (default 0s)
        -d      set SO_DEBUG in sockopt
        -D      don't buffer TCP writes (sets TCP_NODELAY socket option)
        -w#     set the send buffer space to #kilobytes, which is
                dependent on the system - default is 16k
        -T      print title line (default no)
        -f      give own format of what and how to print
        -c      compares each received buffer with expected value
        -s      force stream pattern for UDP transmission
        -S      give another initialisation for pattern generator
        -p#     specify another service port
        -i      behave as if started via inetd
        -R#     calculate the getpid()/s rate from # getpid() calls
        -v      more verbose output
        -V      print version number and exit
        -?      print this help
        -N      remote number (internal use only)
        default format is: %9b%8.2rt%8.2ct%12.4rbr%12.4cbr%8c%10.2rcr%10.1ccr

Installs a tool that will track changes in routing tables. Primary used for debugging.


The program ``socat'' is more or less an enhanced version of the ``netcat'' program with more functionality. By using ``socat'' you may not only establish or accept various types of network connections, but also sent data to or read data from UNIX sockets, devices, FIFOs, and so on. In addition sources and destinations of different types may be connected: An example would be a Network server listening on a TCP port and then writing received data to a local FIFO or reading data from the FIFO and then transmitting it over the network to a client. See for more information and application examples.


The program tcpdump can watch, interpret and record network traffic. Find more on this by feeding Google with tcpdump man

tcpdump <parameter>

DHCP packet dumper

The program ``dhcpdump'' can be used to analyse DHCP packets more accurately. It is based on tcpdump and produces easily readable output.


    dhcpdump -i interface [-h regular-expression]

The program can be executed using the following command:

    dhcpdump -i eth0

If desired, the analysis can be cut down to a specific MAC address using regular expressions. The command would be:

    dhcpdump -i eth0 -h ^00:a1:c4

The output could look like this:

         TIME: 15:45:02.084272
           IP: (0:c0:4f:82:ac:7f) > (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
           OP: 1 (BOOTPREQUEST)
        HTYPE: 1 (Ethernet)
         HLEN: 6
         HOPS: 0
          XID: 28f61b03
         SECS: 0
        FLAGS: 0
       CHADDR: 00:c0:4f:82:ac:7f:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
        SNAME: .
        FNAME: .
       OPTION:  53 (  1) DHCP message type         3 (DHCPREQUEST)
       OPTION:  54 (  4) Server identifier
       OPTION:  50 (  4) Request IP address
       OPTION:  55 (  7) Parameter Request List      1 (Subnet mask)
                                                     3 (Routers)
                                                    58 (T1)
                                                    59 (T2)

http/ftp Client

The program wget can fetch data from web servers in batch mode. More useful is (and that is why wget is included here) that it can catch redirections to your provider's own webserver while establishig a connection to the internet in a simple way i.e. for Freenet. A (german) Mini-HowTo on this topic can be found here:

4.20.2 Hardware Identification

Often you do not know exactly what hardware is in your own computer or which driver you should use for i.e. your network card or the USB chipset. The hardware itself can help here. It provides a list of devices in the computer and the associated driver if possible. You can choose whether the recognition is done at boot (which is recommended before the first installation) or later when the computer is running, comfortably triggered from the Web interface. The output might look like this:

fli4l 3.10.18 # cat /bootmsg.txt
# PCI Devices and drivers
Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] CS5536 [Geode companion] Host Bridge (rev 33)
Driver: 'unknown'
Entertainment encryption device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Geode LX AES Security Block
Driver: 'geode_rng'
Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105M [Rhine-III] (rev 96)
Driver: 'via_rhine'
Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105M [Rhine-III] (rev 96)
Driver: 'via_rhine'
Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105M [Rhine-III] (rev 96)
Driver: 'via_rhine'
Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5413 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)
Driver: 'unknown'
ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] CS5536 [Geode companion] ISA (rev 03)
Driver: 'unknown'
IDE interface: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] CS5536 [Geode companion] IDE (rev 01)
Driver: 'amd74xx'
USB Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] CS5536 [Geode companion] OHC (rev 02)
Driver: 'ohci_hcd'
USB Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] CS5536 [Geode companion] EHC (rev 02)
Driver: 'ehci_hcd'

In essential 3 network cards are in this machine, driven by 'via_rhine' and an Atheros-WiFi card driven by madwifi (the driver name is not resoved correctly here).

This variable triggers that the files needed for hardware identification are copied to the router. Results can either be found on the console while booting if HW_DETECT_AT_BOOTTIME is set to 'yes' or in the web interface if OPT_HTTPD was set to 'yes'. The content of '/bootmsg.txt' can of course be checked in the web interface as well if you have a working network connection to the router.

Starts hardware identification start on boot. Recognition will take place in background (it will take some time) and then writes its output to console and '/bootmsg.txt'.

Listing of all PCI devices

Tools for I2C access.

Tool to access the EEPROM of Intel and Atheros WLAN cards.

Needed e.g. to reprogram the regulatory domain on ath9k cards (see

Hardware diagnosis tool for WLAN cards based on Atheros chipset.

This tool can extract detailed information about the hardware used in Atheros wireless cards, e.g. ath5k. These include, amongst others, the chipset used or calibration information.

4.20.3 File Management Tools

An editor for fli4l

E3 is a very small editor written in Assembler. It mimics various editor modes known from other (full size'') editors. To choose a mode e3 only has to be started with the right command. A short key overview is given by e3 starting without parameter or by pressing Alt+H (except in VI-mode, press :h'' in CMD mode then). Caret (ˆ ) stands for the Ctrl-/Strg key.

Command Mode
e3 / e3ws WordStar, JOE
e3vi VI, VIM
e3em Emacs
e3pi Pico
e3ne NEdit

mtools provide some DOS-like commands for simpler handling of DOS media (copying, formatting, a.s.o.).

Exact syntax of the commands can be found in the mtools documentation:


Installs the program shred on the router which is used for secure erasing of block devices.

File Manager

Installs the File Manager Ytree on the router.

4.20.4 Developer-Tools


The tool openssl can i.e. be used to test crypto accelerator devices.

openssl speed -evp des -elapsed
openssl speed -evp des3 -elapsed
openssl speed -evp aes128 -elapsed


By using the program strace you can trace system calls and signals or watch function calls and runtime behavior of a program.

strace <program>

Brute force attacks on Wifi WPS PINs

Tests all possible WPS PINS to find the WPA password. For details on usage see:

Installs valgrind on the router.

© 2001-2019 The fli4l-Team - 15 September 2019