
4.21 UMTS - Internet Connection Via UMTS

Connecting a fli4l to the Internet via UMTS. For proper operation other packages may be needed.

4.21.1 Configuration


Default setting: OPT_UMTS='no'

'yes' activates the package.


Default setting: UMTS_DEBUG='no'

If pppd should output additional debug information set UMTS_DEBUG to 'yes'. In this case pppd will write additional informations to the syslog interface.

IMPORTANT: To see this messages via syslogd OPT_SYSLOGD has to be set to 'yes'.


Default setting: UMTS_PIN='disabled'

Pin for the SIM card

Give a four digit number or the word 'disabled'


Default setting: UMTS_DIALOUT='*99***1#'

Dialing parameters for the connection


Default setting: UMTS_GPRS_UMTS='both'

Which transfer mode should be used

Possible values (both, gprs, umts)


Default setting: UMTS_APN=''


Default setting: UMTS_USER='anonymer'


Default setting: UMTS_PASSWD='surfer'

Specify data needed for dial-in.

Set username and password for the provider used. UMTS_USER is the username, UMTS_PASSWD the password.

Name of the APN (Acess Provider Node) for some german providers

Dial-in data of some german providers

Provider APN Username Password
T-Mobile internet.t-mobile arbitrary arbitrary
Vodafone arbitrary arbitrary
E-Plus eplus gprs
O2 (Vertragskunden) internet arbitrary arbitrary
O2 (Prepaid-Kunden) arbitrary arbitrary
Alice internet.partner1 arbitrary arbitrary


Default setting: UMTS_NAME='UMTS'

Set a name for the circuit here - maximum 15 chars. It will be shown in the imon-client imonc. Blanks are not allowed.


Default setting: UMTS_TIMEOUT='600'

Specify a hangup time in seconds here if no traffic is detected over the UMTS connection. A timeout '0' is equal to no timeout.


Default setting: UMTS_TIMES='Mo-Su:00-24:0.0:Y'

Times mentioned here determine when the circuit becomes active and at what costs. This allows to use different circuits and default routes at different times (Least-Cost-Routing). The daemon imond will control routing.


Default setting: UMTS_CHARGEINT='60'

Charge-Interval: Timespan in seconds, that will be used for calculating online costs.


Default setting: UMTS_USEPEERDNS='yes'

Use the provider's DNS server or not.


Default setting: UMTS_FILTER='yes'

fli4l automatically hangs up if no traffic is going over the ppp0 interface in the hangup timeout time. Unfortunately also data transfers from outside count as relevant traffic i.e. P2P-clients like eDonkey. Since you will be nearly permanently contacted from outside nowadays it may happen that fli4l never hangs up an UMTS connection.

Option UMTS_FILTER is helping here. If set to 'yes' only traffic generated by your own machine is monitored and external traffic will be ignored completely. Since incoming traffic normally leads to a reaction from the router or the machines behind it (i.e. denying or dropping the packets) some additional outgoing packets will be ignored too.



Specify here if the hardware is a PCMCIA card, an USB adapter or a phone connected via an USB cable.

If omitting this variable only the files necessary for an USB adapter will be copied.

Possible values: (pcmcia,usbstick,usbphone)

All variables that follow are optional and only needed if the automatic detection fails.


(optional) UMTS_IDVENDOR='xxxx'

Vendor ID after plugging/starting the adapter


(optional) UMTS_IDDEVICE='xxxx'

Product ID after plugging/starting the adapter

Specifying the following two parameters is only needed if the ID changes after initialisation


(optional) UMTS_IDVENDOR2='xxxx'

Vendor ID after initialisation of the adapter


(optional) UMTS_IDDEVICE2='xxxx'

Product ID after initialisation of the adapter


(optional) UMTS_DRV='xxxx'

Driver for the adapter, if omitted 'usbserial' is used


(optional) UMTS_SWITCH='-v 0x0af0 -p 0x6971 -M 555...000 -s 10'

Parameters for usb-modeswitch initialisation of the modem (see Website usb-modeswitch). With a few exceptions all modems mentioned on the website should be recognized automatically.



In case of problems the data interface for pppd can be set here. The most usual for adapters are:

	ttyUSB0 for usbstick
	ttyS2   for pcmcia
	ttyACM0 for usbphone



Some adapter have more interfaces for modem control. If only one is existig status informations can only be read in 'Offline' state. For Option Fusion UMTS Quad the interface is i.e. ttyUSB2.

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